we love: ed templeton´s "the golden age of neglect" photobook
its getting hot in here... this book came to my hands and i felt instantly in love with it. ed templeton is one of my early loves on contemporary photography. he is amazing. i love how he writes on his own photos, this mix of written and image, this visual diary need taken to the fully explanation of the moment, of the how, the when. i love how he displays his pieces in his exhibitions and he is just a talented talented talented artist. this "golden age of neglect" was an exhibition at the palais de tokio in paris a few years ago. this is the catalog that stays and make people happy in despite of the temporary access to the hung pics. and thats exactly why we love books like this one.
display of one of the exhibition of ed templeton. it rocks! we love his rooms with his visual diaries spread all over, series, words, beautiful images. delicious.