martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

we love: the videos by the feedmee studio from köln

feedmee is a studio/agency from köln which do this great stuff with film and animation. maybe i just like their name "feedmeee", sort of this shout...feeeeddd meee seymour!...exactly what the carnivorous plant used to shout to the actor who was the clumsy Seymour at the "Little horror shop" film directed by roger corman-. great film by the way. maybe i just like this agency for their name. dunno.
This german "feedmee" do also great stuff with film. here you can watch just a tiny bit of their work. check their site for more. watch it big -right icon , on the left of the vimeo word- or dont watch it.
Lautlos from Feedmee Design on Vimeo

Kurz und Schön opener from errorone on Vimeo.

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