viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

zen retreat in the alps

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Before i flew to London, and looking for a way of creating some space in the mind,  I took a break of everything to go to the mountains to do a zen meditation retreat.
I had the chance after quite a few months of a lot in the mind, to recover, meditate, sleep a lot, take walks in nature, write,  read and eat. It felt a bit like being a baby again.  The retreat , called Sesshin in Zen, is a way of coming in touch with yourself and you must keep the silence during a few days, and do about 13 sittings of 25 minutes to meditate daily. The rest of the day, is used in sleeping, walks around the nature and eat, and do nothing. The place where the convent was is one of the most beautiful spots ive been in my whole life. I was very lucky that my zen teacher Gudrun Alt allowed me to have the room that got free after somebody had called her saying he couldnt make it since he was sick. I guess it is what you can call destiny that i had to be there. Was an extraordinary experience. 
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