miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

ed moses tennis open, last saturday

hi there, last weekend i played my first tennis tournament in munich. we had so much fun. and lets put it this way, there is not a better way to spend a whole saturday than playing tennis with diferent people at the club. thats how i grew up and thats probably something that will never change.

a little visual story of the mixed doubles ed moses open 2011.

this is the organizator, christoph hanke, an ex super great tennis player from munich. hanke is now a succesful owner of 2 nite clubs in town, ed moses and bob beaman.

me, on the left, really concentrated watching games with the new white skirt that was so hard to find (now is all neon, shit nylon and ugly, i was looking for an old tennis classic, a white pure cotton outfit, almost mission impossible!????) and in the camera, the finalist.

the registration desk for the open. you know, list, hi hi, and goodies.

yes, we are in bayern and there is not a better way of killing time between games than drinking a good beer.

this man is a visionaire, his name is toffi and he´s gonna take over the tennis apparel bizzness with his new tennis label and shop schwittenberg. he had some new outfits ready for the open. yes toffi, we need your pretty tennis outfits also for girls, that´s a fact.

we lost our match with him and his partner. mathias is his name. he played good.

tennis atmosphere watching the final.

group pic. why always take these pics people who has never the focus at the right place? is a classic.

i love tennis über alles!