miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2013


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miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Our Visual Diaries/ Girls Photo Exhibition now at Städtische Galerie Bietgheim- Bissingen

our photo exhibition Visual Diaries / Girls is right now @ the Städtische Galerie Bietgheim- Bissingen, as part of the „Von Tagebuch bis weblog. Tägliche Strategien in der Gegenwartskunst“ exhibition (from October to February ) which is a great expo on the portrait of daily life in contemporary art. Our expo is part of it as an installation among the work of other artists like hanne darboven or on kawara , and really was a suprise to see how the curator have really worked the visual diaries topic in contemporary art.loved to see how many dif. conceptions of contemporay diaries have so many people been working on, each one with its own style. felt at home! :)  photo 16b6c6e5-567c-4897-8cc5-41a0771fa036_zpsedb948cf.jpg  photo visual4Bildschirmfoto2013-11-13um190408_zpsfe8c0dac.jpg photo d51554bf-5dad-4312-8082-6f25b38a1c81_zpsbbb7dbe5.jpg  photo visualBildschirmfoto2013-11-13um190050_zps0f8e2d03.jpg  photo 1_P1050463_zps6e039b9c.jpg

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2013

jonas de visita en münchen

 photo Bildschirmfoto2013-09-30um004140_zpsaf0237c6.png quiero empezar una serie de ciudades y personas, ciudades que no conozco porque no he estado pero que sé me van a encantar porque la gente que he conocido de ellas me encantan. ciudad 1: lima. persona que me encanta de lima que espero me acabe ensenando su ciudad tarde o temprano: Jonas Kecskemethy-Vass. esta foto de jonas la saqué hace como mes y medio, cuando vino a visitarnos a münchen y le pude mostrar un pedazo de la realidad en esta nueva ciudad. a jonas lo a-do-ro con mucho amor. son muchos anos desde la primera vez que la vida nos encontró en berlín y es una persona que además de encantarme su presencia, me inspira su energía creativa un montón. jonas está a punto de abrir un restaurante/ club en la playa los lobos, en el sur de lima. espero poder ir a la inauguración y fiestear como se merece. ill keep my fingers crossed.

martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

@weissenhofsiedlung haus 13 . by le corbusier

very little time and too much excitement to be in a complete neighbourhood built by the bauhaus in sttutgart. while for most of the houses of the weissenhofsiedlung gets this of "you can only see them from the outside" since is people living in them, there are a few where you can visit inside. this le corbusier haus 13 felt like a really clean, minimal space and was great to see how things that are envisioned to go beyond their time remain totally modern. i love this emptiness and cleaness, just very little furniture, lots of natural light, all like a empty space giving you lots of space to the thoughts to wander, keeps the mind clear. very zen. the colours and how they worked with the light. loved it. such a marvellous space. really looking forward to go to tel aviv and visit as many bauhaus houses as possible! :)  photo f207eb0a-bdea-49c6-ad08-06afb7d10201_zpscd86abb3.jpg  photo Foto_zpsfe76ffe2.jpg photo 2d2f2600-4b35-4a20-bf32-c7b86509e2ad_zps14743744.jpg  photo weissenhofsiedlung-stuttgart-bei-nacht_zpsd4fc4a7a.jpg photo 5e979019-b6dc-4b79-aded-b0c16dbac5d3_zps979e3754.jpg  photo 9d615919-f6ed-4283-a32b-601b2b275ab3_zps2f9ea999.jpg  photo 1_Bildschirmfoto2013-11-05um171437_zps2911d8f1.jpg dont forget that once the house was built (1927), it was used it as a backdrop location for a car advertising and the effect was quite shockening. also you could notice the same effect on some of the little original furniture that is still present in the house like the kitchen stove , etc. amazing how advanced was the arquitect on his vision in comparison to the design wave of his living time.  photo le_corbusier_zps238b20f7.jpg